Mestrenova 12 For Mac

We have purchased the unlimited MNova license for the NMR data processing software. MNova can be run on a Windows, a Mac, or a Linux computer. With MNova software on your own computer, you can process your NMR data anytime and anywhere. You will find that MNova is fairly easy to use. It has a powerful tool for analyzing multiplets of a complex proton spectrum. It creates a spectral report that contains information such as the chemical shifts, number of hydrogens, multiplicity, etc. in a format that is compatible with a variety of common chemistry journals. This feature is particularly useful to those who are preparing manuscripts for publication. Not only does it save time, but also increases the accuracy of the report. The line fitting function is also impressive. Along with its capability of processing an arrayed NMR spectra, one can use MNova to easily process NMR data associated with reaction kinetics, variable temperature experiments, and nuclear spin relaxation data. The MNova software can also be used to display 2D spectra, for peak picking and integrating cross-peaks.
To install MNova on your computer, please follow the following steps:
  • Restart MestreNova. Install plugins as described in the Plugin Install section. Download the MestreNova msi installer and GTcampusMnovaNMRv1.13.lic files from Also download the zip files and license files for the qNMR and Reaction Monitoring (RM) plugins if desired.
  • Mestrenova License Key With Crack Mac. Mestrenova Instructions. MestReNova - 12.0.4 - Mnova is a multivendor software suite. Mac Platform: Intel Includes. Autocad stone hatch patterns download. Full Version with Crack Tools - Torrent download. Minimum system requirements Windows 7 or higher OS X 10.7 Lion or higher.
  • acquire a license file from
  • save the license file on you computer.
  • go on the webpage, select appropriate OS and download the Mnova package (version 11.4.0) to your computer
  • install the Mnova on your computer
  • activate your Mnova software by locating the license file on your computer

Please refer the following link for the detailed instructions about how to install and activate the Mnova software

Mestrenova license
It is easy to use Mnova. There are a number of tutorials, software operational manual, and user’s guides on the Mestrelab Research website:
A quick user’s guide prepared by Dr. Chen Peng of Mestrelab Research that you might find useful. Visit Mnova website for additional technical support. Dr. Chen Peng ( also offers his support to UD users.

Apparently, sometimes qNMR and Reaction monitoring plugins are not installed automatically on Macs. In the following, in the license manager, there appears a white-on-blue question mark for the respective licenses.

To transfer your NMR data to you own computer, please follow the following instructions:
For Windows and Mac users, go to UDeploy page: and select and download the data transfer software based on your platform. For Linux users, use an embedded software gftp with a selection of SSH2 for data transfer.
Once the data transfer software is installed on your computer, you may use the following IP addresses to download your data from different locations:
AV400 (045BRL):
AV600 (049BRL):

Z.-H. Sun 2020年3月15日 更新于 2020年11月22日

目前MestReNova的Windows平台下已更新到14.2.0 12.0.4,但网上只有14.0 12.0.2破解,且只支持32位;Mac平台只有“史蒂芬周博客”的12.0.0破解,而且“Mnova Verify”插件的许可文件写得有问题;没有Linux平台的破解。

而本补丁是Windows、Mac、Ubuntu(新增) 32/64位、12.0.0~14.2.0 12.0.4版本通用的,只需先下载安装官方程序,然后双击运行本补丁即可正常使用。补丁程序源码公开在该仓库中。

仅对 Mac 用户的附加说明 (2020/11/22)

(原因详见Issue #3)

  • 对于 14.2.0 及以上版本,请使用最新的补丁程序,其中解决了数字签名的问题从而防止闪退

  • 如果你已经将系统更新至 MacOS 11,那么使用低版本的 MestReNova 会闪退,这是由于 NMR Predictor 插件对新系统不兼容的问题(系统库缺失),可采取以下两种办法 之一

    • 更新至最新版本 14.2.0 并使用最新补丁程序 (推荐);或
    • 暂时屏蔽 NMR Predictor,反正用处不是很大。最简单的方法是删除对应的许可文件(显示包内容 > Contents > MacOS > license > NMRPredict Desktop.lic),只要对应部分没有激活则相应的问题程序就不会运行

Mestrenova License


  • 下载、安装对应平台版本的官方安装程序

  • 下载破解补丁文件至任意位置:Windows / Mac / Ubuntu

  • Windows下:

    • 双击运行破解补丁。若MestReNova安装在系统盘,需右键 -> 以管理员身份运行
    • 即使装有超过一个版本的MestReNova,程序也能找出所有版本的安装路径(见下图)。直接回车将对所有版本进行破解,或输入需要破解的某一个版本的序号。本补丁可能不支持非12.0的更低级版本,请将它们排除在外。
  • Mac下:

    • 最好通过另一台Windows电脑下载程序安装包及补丁文件,U盘拷贝至此Mac电脑。安装结束后以“终端 (Terminal)”方式打开补丁文件,按y确认
    • 具体操作,或过程中产生任何问题,请参见一般操作流程及疑难解答。
    • 以下情况有一定可能会发生:如果首次运行时,软件提示“Cache目录设置不正常,是否解决”,请选择“是”并按照提示输入管理员账号密码即可(否则会提示许可验证失败,代码0x8000000E)

Mestrenova 12 Mac破解版

  • Ubuntu下(新增):

    • 请首先配置ruby环境。使用sudo apt-get install ruby-full安装最新版ruby,或者对于non-sudoer用户可选择自行编译
    • 终端中运行ruby </path/to/>MRN_Crack_Ubuntu,按y确认
  • 本补丁运行时已经包含了写入许可文件的步骤,因此运行结束后即可正常打开和运行MestReNova 12.0~14.2。

Mestrenova Manual


Mestrenova 12 Crack
