Jackson 6700 Tamper Manual


Jackson 6700 Tamper Manual. 12/7/2019 Alot of people keep asking about what these machines are and how they work. This is very similar to the current model which is a. Jackson Dishwasher Parts & Manuals From conveyor to flight-type dish machines, Parts Town has real OEM Jackson dishwasher parts for your specific unit. With genuine OEM, you can help keep your machine efficient, safe and always protected under manufacturer warranty.

Alot of people keep asking about what these machines are and how they work. This is very similar to the current model which is a 6700 production tamper, now made by Harsco Track Technologies. A few months ago, we had our 6500 out working and I shot a video of many of its parts at work. Usually, the public can't get this close.
This is how the machine basically works. Out in front of the machine by about 60' is a light buggy. This shines light directly back at the machine. There are sensors at the rear of the machine that picks up the light from the buggy. In between the two is a rail follower with a shadow board which interrupts the light beam. Next to the shadow board is the jack beam that has enough power to pick up the rail and shift it side to side and up (can't push the track down) to a point where the operator has set the machine to know as 'line and level'. Then, vibrating tamping heads (electric on the 6500, hydraulic on the 6700) insert just below the bottom of the tie and then squeeze rock underneath the tie.
Disclaimer: The video was shot hand held with a small camera, so hopefully it didn't transfer horribly. But, the subject matter is something that you don't get to see very often.

Jackson 6700 Tamper Manual

Jackson 6700 tamper

Jackson 6700 Tamper Manual Software

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