Hoi 4 White Peace

How to Use the White Peace Cheat in Hearts of Iron IV Maybe war wasn't such a good idea. White peace is a peace treaty for countries at war. When white peace is made between two countries at war, the war and all forms of hostilities stop and things return to the way they were prior to the war. Up-to-date help for the Hearts of Iron IV (PC) command whitepeace. This page includes help on how to use the command, argument explanation and examples. This command instantly makes 'white peace' (things return to the way exactly they were before a war started) between the specified countries (specified by their country tag). A peace between Ethiopia and Italy may take longer than usual. Instead of 80 days, you may need to wait 1 1/2 years! When you wage war against a country in Multiplayer together with your friend the peace events will transfer all occupied states to only one player. Usually it's the one who started the event chain.

Hoi4 White Peace

White peace is a peace treaty for countries at war. When white peace is made between two countries at war, the war and all forms of hostilities stop and things return to the way they were prior to the war. Things returning to the way they were before war means territory goes back to the way it was before the war started (so any territory gained during the war from an opposition is returned). The same goes for money and cores (nothing is exchanged, things go back to the way they were before the war).

This guide assumes that you know how to open and use the console, and know what country tags are. If not, see our opening the console guide and country tags help.

The white peace command can be used to instantly create white peace between two countries. It has been reported to be bugged (glitched) and no longer works as of an earlier update in the game.

If you do wish to try to use this command (to see if it works for you), you can do so by typing whitepeace followed by a space and the country tags of the two countries you wish to create white peace between. So, to create white peace between Spain and Portugal (if they were at war), you'd type:

whitepeace SPA POR

You can find more help on the whitepeace command help page.

Alternative to the Whitepeace Command

As stated above, for more recent versions of the game the whitepeace command no longer works properly. However, there are other ways to create whitepeace with console commands. Our alternative utilizes the yesman, tag and allowdiplo commands. Here are the steps:

  1. If you aren't already playing as one of the countries involved in the war, use the tag command to switch to one. (e.g. tag SPA to switch to Spain).
  2. Pause the game and type both allowdiplo and yesman into the console. Allowdiplo allows you to make any diplomatic action without justification and yesman will make all AI accept any diplomatic offers.
  3. Offer the country in the war a peace treaty. They will instantly accept because of the yesman command.
  4. Type allowdiplo and yesman into the console again to toggle the commands effects off. If you switched to another country using the tag command, switch back. Resume the game.

That's all there is to it! Find more command articles on our blog. For more commands, see all Hearts of Iron IV console commands.

Hoi4 White Peace Command Not Working

There are thousands of provinces in Hearts of Iron IV - each and every one of them has a unique ID (a number assigned to it) so that you can refer to specific provinces in console commands. This is a simple guide that shows how to find and use province IDs in Hearts of Iron IV. To be clear, province IDs are not the same as state IDs, you can find a list of state IDs here.

To find out a province IDs, all you need to do is open the console, and type the following command in:


This command enables debug tooltips. Tooltips are the boxes with text and information that show when you hover over countries in the game/map. Debug tooltips are the same, but they provide more information, including province IDs.


So, after enabling debug tooltips, to find out a province ID simply hover over a country on the map:

Highlighted in the above image is the province ID of an area in Poland, which is 3295. This could be used in one of many commands, here are some examples:

  • The setcontroller command, to change the controller of the province to a different country.
  • The spawn command, to spawn units into the province.
  • The goto_province command, to move you camera to the province.
Hoi 4 White Peace

Hoi4 White Peace Command

Hoi 4 White Peace

There are many more commands that utilize province IDs, find them all on our commands list.

Hoi4 White Peace Console

Hoi4 white peace command

Hoi4 White Peace Command

If you play other Paradox games (the makers of Hearts of Iron IV), you might be interested in this list of EU4 province IDs. Find more Hearts of Iron IV guides here.