4th Grade Tennessee Language Arts Pacing Guide

The Curriculum and Instruction Department works collaboratively with principals, teachers, and school/community stakeholders to create, implement, evaluate, and revise instructional programs. The following programs are served under the Currciulum and Instruction umbrella.


The FSSD follows the Tennessee Academic Standards for all courses in all schools. Tennessee’s curriculum standards were revised in 2008 and are considered among the most rigorous in the nation. At a minimum, the standards must be reviewed every six years in accordance with State Board policy 3.209. The four content areas (math, English language arts, social studies, and science) have recently moved through the revision process. For more information regarding standards revision please visit Tennessee Department of Education Standards Review online.

More information about

Curriculum and Professional Learning
Summer Carlton, Supervisor
Deb Naber, Secretary
1406 Cannon St.
Franklin, TN 37064


The FSSD Accelerated Learning program supports accelerated learners within the general education curriculum.

4th Grade Tennessee Language Arts Pacing Guidelines

The Franklin Special School District recognizes the unique needs of both accelerated learners and students who meet the Tennessee state eligibility standards for intellectually gifted, a disability serviced through special education. FSSD has an Accelerated Learning Specialist (ALS) in each school. These specialists work with students and/or consult with teachers to differentiate instruction for advanced learners. Delivery of instruction by the Accelerated Learning Specialist is based on individual student need.

Evaluation for the Intellectually Gifted:

According to the State of Tennessee, “Intellectually Gifted” describes a child whose intellectual abilities and potential for achievement are so outstanding that the child’s educational performance is adversely affected. “Adverse affect” means the general curriculum alone is inadequate to appropriately meet the student’s educational needs.

Year-at-a-Glance (YAG) is a document that informs parents and students of the recommended pacing and content standards for selected courses.It includes the topics to be taught week by week each quarter and a list of instructional resources. The YAG is only a recommended pacing guide; school leaders and teachers make the final decision regarding the pacing of any program of study.

If a parent or teacher makes a formal request for gifted eligibility testing, the general education teacher, Accelerated Learning Specialist, building administrator, and others, as appropriate, will schedule a review meeting. All gifted eligibility testing decisions are based on data.

  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.4.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, in the grades 4-5 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
  • School curriculum is based on the TN Department of Education State Curriculum Standards. TNReady Blueprints have been provided by the TN Dept. Of Education in.
  • Digital Citizen Scoring Guide (PDF) Knowledge Constructor Scoring Guide (PDF) English Language Arts: Curriculum - Reading (PDF) Curriculum - Writing (PDF) Word Study and Grammar Progression (PDF) Words Their Way Scope and Sequence Instructional Frameworks 2018-2019 (PDF) Instructional Framework (PDF) Pacing Guide - Reading (PDF) Pacing Guide.
  • English Language Arts/Social Studies Pacing Guides. Kinder Nat Geo Pacing Guide; First Grade Pacing Guide Nat Geo; 2nd Grade Pacing Guide Nat Geo; 3rd grade pacing guide; 4th grade pacing guide; 5th grade pacing guide; Mathematics. Math Critical Areas and Dates 2017-10; Science. Science Pacing Guide.

Honors Program and Accelerated Learners:
FSSD offers a general education honors curriculum beginning in 5th grade. Meeting the state eligibility standards for intellectually gifted does not automatically qualify a student for the Honors Program. In addition, students who are served by the Accelerated Learning Specialist in elementary school are also not automatically placed into the Honors Program in 5th grade. The FSSD Honors Program has specific eligibility criteria for placement.

Special Populations Department
Cheryl Robey, Ed.D., Supervisor
Joy Crunk, Secretary
507 New Hwy 96 West
Franklin, TN 37064

The FSSD uses a Standards Based Grading System for grades K-4 and a letter-based system for grades 5-8.

  • Standards Based Report Card Parent Guide (Grades K-2)
  • Standards Based Report CardParent Guide (Grades 3-4)

The FSSD strives to maximize the potential of students who demonstrate outstanding intellectual achievement, performance, and ability by emphasizing in-depth analytical thinking and creative problem-solving. Students are empowered to acquire the academic skills necessary for success in advanced placement courses.

Honors Program Parent Information:

For those who could not make it to the Honors Program Parent Information night, here are the presentation slides:

  • Rising 5th Grade
  • Rising 6th-8th Grades
7th grade math pacing guide
  • Reconsideration Request Form: This form is to be completed by a parent who makes a request for his/her child to be placed in the Honors Program, World Language, and/or 8th grade Algebra I when the child has not met qualifying criteria.
    • 5th and 6th Grade Reconsideration Form
    • 7th Grade Reconsideration Form
    • 8th Grade Reconsideration Form
Pax Wiemers, Ed.D., Supervisor
Faith Maxwell, Secretary

The Franklin Special School District uses the Tennessee Department of Education’s Response to Instruction and Intervention (RTI2-B) Model to provide academic and behavior support in the general education classroom with the goal of early intervention and prevention before a gap in achievement becomes too great. RTI2-B is a school-wide, multi-level prevention system to maximize student achievement. It is a tiered approach to service delivery that provides a systematic and data-based framework through implementation of research-based instructional practices correlated to the individual learner’s needs.

We believe that a consistent, informed intervention program for all students will result in more achievement opportunities. FSSD fully implements a unified RTI2-B approach in all grade levels. RTI2-B interventions are provided in all schools in both mathematics and reading.

Literacy and RTI2-B
Gina Looney, Ed.D., District Reading Coordinator
Deb Naber, Secretary
1406 Cannon St.
Franklin, TN 37064


Textbook Adoption Information

The State Textbook Commission is responsible for recommending an official list of textbooks to the Tennessee State Board of Education (SBOE) for approval. Once the SBOE has approved a list of textbooks, it is the responsibility of local boards of education to decide which textbooks to use in their districts.

The state textbook adoption process is administered in accordance with the statutory requirements as set forth in Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, Chapter 6, Part 22 and the Rules and Policies of the State Textbook and Instructional Materials Quality Commission. Once the local districts are provided with the list of state-approved vendors, local school systems must adopt books on the official list or submit a waiver request to the department to use textbooks or instructional materials not on the approved list.

English Language Arts Adoption 2020-2021
The Franklin Special School District is scheduled to adopt English Language Arts textbooks for the 2020-2021 school year. The FSSD selects members for the textbook review committee. In accordance with state requirements, the FSSD Board of Education will approve the recommended review committee to review the textbooks and instructional materials proposed for adoption and make their adoption upon recommendations of such committees. These committees are set up by grade and subject matter fields and composed of teachers, or supervisors and teachers, and parents with children enrolled in the district at the time of appointment to the committee.

According to the Tennessee Department of Education:
• the School Board may also choose to appoint experts in the grade level or subject matter field for which textbooks and instructional materials are to be reviewed.
• Teachers and supervisors who serve on the committee must be teaching or supervising the respective grade or subject at the time of appointment and must be licensed to teach in the state with endorsements in the subject matter or grade level for which textbooks or instructional materials are being reviewed.
• Teachers and supervisors must have three or more years of experience as teachers or supervisors in the public schools. The Director of Schools in the district adopting textbooks or instructional materials serves as an ex officio member of all committees.

After the textbook committee makes its recommendation to the School Board, the Director of Schools records the list of all textbooks or instructional materials adopted by the Board, forwards a copy of the recorded adoption to the Commissioner of Education and posts the list on the district’s web site.

Curriculum-Related Resources
Textbooks are one of many resources used for instruction in our schools.
Parents are accustomed to seeing children work from textbooks as they progress through the curriculum. However, as teachers prepare students for success today and for college or a career in the future, students must be taught how to engage in rigorous instruction that develops an ability to think and problem solve. This type of learning does not always come from within the pages of a textbook. The ability to apply, analyze, synthesize, evaluate and predict cause and effect situations will be more valuable in the future than the ability to retell, label, define or describe. While using detailed standards and goals set by the Tennessee State Curriculum Standards as the guide to course content and instruction, teachers must differentiate for students based on readiness, interest and learning styles. In order to accomplish this, FSSD teachers are encouraged to draw from an extensive bank of resources. Textbooks are one of many tools in a larger toolbox of resources available to support instruction. If you liken teachers to carpenters, you understand that when building a magnificent piece of furniture, a carpenter cannot rely on only a hammer. Rather he must use a plane, chisel, saw, sander, or any number of tools to create a masterpiece.
A great classroom instructional program, just like a great piece of furniture, needs many tools in its delivery. An effective teacher uses web-based resources, specialized informational texts, and various pieces of literature, lab experiences, and field trips to create that perfect instructional masterpiece.

Language Arts Pacing Guide

FSSD students use many hands-on experiences to develop key mathematical and science concepts. These experiences yield understanding that is transferable to other situations and is better remembered for future use. This type of teaching requires a student to interpret and internalize learning and not merely respond from rote memorization or with answers retrieved from surface knowledge. While information can sometimes be remembered if presented through textbooks and lectures, true understanding and the ability to use knowledge in new situations requires instruction where children study concepts in depth, make decisions resulting from real-life situations, and analyze and solve problems.

2nd Grade Math Pacing Guide

Students in our district are provided with all of the resources they need to support this type of instructional environment. Parents are urged to contact teachers to learn more about the specific resources used in their child’s classroom and how they can help reinforce material learned in class at home.

For more information about the textbook adoption process, please visit the Tennessee Department of Education’s website for Textbook Adoption Cycle and Textbook Services.

4th Grade Ela Pacing Guide

Curriculum and Professional Learning
Summer Carlton, Supervisor
Deb Naber, Secretary
1406 Cannon St.
Franklin, TN 37064