The Hookup Game The N For Pc

The Hook-Up by - view all games by author Category: Flash: Adventure Average Play: 15 / 14655 (per day / total) Average Rating: None A game of charm, treachery, and deceit. Play your cards right and you might even find love, virtual style. Submitted on 12/2/07. There have been several video games based on the 1991 film Hook.A side-scrolling platform game for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and Game Boy was released in the United States in February 1992. Subsequent side-scrolling platform games were released for the Commodore 64 and the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) later in 1992, followed by versions for the Sega CD, Sega Genesis. The Hookup is a dating sim-like online game, where you can choose three protagonists and solve their problems. It was originally hosted on the Teen Nick website when it was still known as 'The N', but it has since been removed. Connect the AC adapter to your Nintendo by plugging it into the adapter port on the back of the console. Plug the receiving end of the AC adapter cord into an electrical outlet. Attach the game controllers, insert a game cartridge, press “Power' and play.

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Once upon a time there was a fun site called The-N. They had many amusing games, but the most popular game was Slasher! However, as the site started to reach its unpredictable end, Slasher! stopped working for almost all players. No one could create or find games anymore, and although everyone begged at the moderator and site engineers’ feet, they refused to fix the game. Eventually, the site ended up being bought by Teen Nick and Slasher! was, unfortunately, permanently removed, even though before it stopped working.

Then, on March 26, 2011, Slasher! made a surprising return. Lavaster had once had the idea to have a forum-version of the game, one you could say was ‘manual,’ but Lavaster found no time to maintain the game and dropped the idea. However, that idea has sprang up again and Slasher! is unofficially back… just in a different way, of course. (Pssst! Lavaster is not a game engineer and sucks at coding stuff. She’s also broke and doesn’t like wasting hundreds of dollars for other people to code games and all.) That idea has sprouted into a forum-game, a manual game, and now you can play the legendary Slasher! once again, and it won’t break due to the nature of its form.

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Lavaster, the site admin and owner, will host games via the site pages every now and then. She will randomly select people to be campers, slashers, the cop, the tabloid reporter, and the psychic. You are NOT permitted to reveal your role, otherwise you’ll ruin the game for yourself and maybe everyone else. If you wish to permanently leave the game, please notify Lavaster via the Leave the Game page. (Just go to that site page/tab and comment, listing the name you’re going by on the site and why you are choosing to leave. Both of these are required to make sure people don’t accidentally leave the game. You cannot join a game after it has started.)

The Hookup Game The N For Pc Torrent

To join a game, e-mail using the e-mail you use the most. This way, I can message you your role (which is chosen randomly and you CANNOT tell anyone else your role, unless you’re sure they’re a camper and you trust them.) and I’ll e-mail slashers the password to the SLASHER CHAT page. Once the maximum amount of 18 players has been accepted and officially joined, all application comments will be removed. FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVE. J Abusing the site, spamming, or being frequently mean will result in a temporary ban. Continuous offenses will result on a permanent ban.

As for how the game works, it’ll work just like the actual game. Every in-game day, everyone except the slashers will vote off/kill off a player they suspect is a slasher. Whoever gets the most votes will be killed off and eliminated from the game; even if they were an innocent camper! It’s basically a guessing game, although people can leave clues. Slashers can talk on both the game page and the special SLASHERS CHAT page, which only slashers can view and chat in; campers cannot see the page, otherwise they’d know who the slashers were. (Slashers will be e-mailed the password to see and comment on the page; passwords change every game.) And every in-game night, campers CANNOT chat, but they can e-mail each other if they have the e-mails of other players. Otherwise, campers should be “asleep” and can’t talk; only “whisper” via private e-mail. Every in-game night, slashers will talk on the SLASHER CHAT page (like the campers, they can’t chat on the normal game page; only e-mail other campers) and won’t need their e-mails to communicate. They will vote to kill a camper or special role; they do not know who is a camper and who is a special role. For both campers and slashers, if a tie occurs by the end of the allotted voting session, no one will be eliminated or killed. Unlike campers and special roles, slashers cannot accidentally kill each other off because they will know who their fellow slashers are via e-mail and the SLASHER CHAT page. Slashers CAN vote during the camper voting, but campers cannot vote during the night. Only slashers can vote during both the day and nighttime voting.

The Hookup Game Online

Every time the voting for both sides ends, I’ll put up a post on the homepage listing who died and what their role was.


THE MOST IMPORTANT TIP: You can lie about your role if you’re a special role or slasher, but try not to be too obvious about it! Remember, you can only lie during the daytime; during the nighttime, lying is useless if you’re a slasher. (You can lie about your role via e-mail during any time.) For example, slashers can pretend they’re campers when they aren’t really, and the same goes for special roles.

The game ends when two people are left in one side; for example, if only two campers and/or special roles are left and there are more slashers, the slashers win. If two slashers are left and there’s more campers, the campers and special roles win and their roles are all revealed.

The Hookup Game The N For Pc

For every game, there will be 2 special roles, 10 campers, and 6 slashers. If the game doesn’t reach 18 players within a certain amount of time that is chosen after the game reaches 13 players, then the game will start with less players and no one can join once it starts. One game will be hosted at a time, but may take only a few days and then it will end.


Campers: Campers are normal players and do not have special abilities. It is their goal to survive. Every in-game day, they vote off who they think are the slashers. Only one person can be killed per day, and they might accidentally kill off one of their own.

Cop: Every night, the cop must e-mail me who he or she wants to protect from possible murder. They can protect themselves, but that’s stupid and not good sportsmanship. If the cop protects a person who got most of the slashers’ votes, that person will NOT die and will survive. However, if the cop protects someone who isn’t voted off by the slashers, whoever got the most votes by the slashers will die because they were not protected. Remember… the cop can only chat with others during the daytime, and can e-mail others during nighttime and daytime like anyone else, but the only way they can protect a player is by e-mailing who they wish to protect.

Psychic: Every night the psychic gets to pick one person from the entire game and finds out what their role is. Psychics must e-mail me nightly which individual player they wish to reveal the role of. Psychics are probably the most valuable player, so it’s best for the cop to protect the psychic but it’s also a good idea to protect normal campers, as well. In the in-game daytime and nighttime, psychics can e-mail (e-mail only, so slashers won’t figure out easily who the psychic is) trusted players they believe is a camper or cop, and tell them who one of the slashers are, if they reveal a slasher’s role. The slashers will not know if one of their identities have been revealed to the psychic.

Tabloid Reporter: The tabloid reporter gets to find out what the slashers are saying to each other during the nighttime, but they don’t get to figure out who’s a slasher. I’ll e-mail them the conversation the slashers had once the in-game night is over.

Pc Hookup Crossword

Slashers: Most of the info about slashers was already said. Basically every night, they vote on a camper or suspected special role. If there is not a tie, whoever gets the most votes by the slashers will die. Campers and special roles will not know who is to die until daytime occurs. Likewise, campers will vote during the daytime which suspected slasher will die; they might accidentally kill another fellow camper, though, which is good for the slashers. Slashers win when the campers are the first team to reach 2 alive and active players, and vice-versa.

If you can’t play for a while but will play when you’re available again and have already joined a game, please e-mail If, however, you will not be able to play for a full day or more, you will have to be removed from the game to avoid delays. Before joining a game, make sure you are available to play for at least around a full week! (Games are not guaranteed to last a week; likely they’ll be shorter, depending on how often players can go online.)

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE ONCE YOU UNDERSTAND THE RULES AND HOW THE GAME WORKS: I, Lavaster, may host some games that will take less than a day; maybe even an hour or less! It depends if everyone in the game is willing to be on the website and on their e-mails for an hour. If you do not have the time, then we will not have a quick game like this, which is most preferred by players. In fact, I’d prefer those with an hour or two to spend to make sure they apply to join a game; I’m not saying that people who can’t do this shouldn’t join, but I’m sure everyone can agree that a quick game in an hour or less would be much more fun and preferable.

We will start the first game soon, once I notify enough people of this new site. Invite your friends or previous The-N users to join to speed up the waiting process! Advertise, if you feel like it and are awesome.

If you do not know where the pages/tabs are, they are the tabs above and below the header.